Investation Agro Fores tree

Investing is an inseparable part of a financial planning a person or family. Retirement, child education, the desire to own property in the future is a financial goal that can be obtained by appropriate calculation and selection of appropriate investment products as well.

Financial goals, especially the long term becomes very important because the right product selection to be key to successful achievement of these goals. Many people prepare for retirement by simply setting aside some of their money without realizing that he did not invest but to save.Investing means potential income received must be higher than inflation and better yet if the higher than average price increases of our final financial goals.

For pension purposes, the selected investment products to give results higher than average increase in inflation. If the education fund, must be higher than the average increase in tuition fees. If this is not addressed, do not be surprised that money was collected but not increased in value even though seen numbers shrinking a lot.

Traditional investments may not be too popular for you, even you may not agree with the above expression, because no investment is traditional or modern because it aims at. This term I got from a friend who just tried to ordinary share investment products known.

The term used for the traditional investment investment product that is not too complicated and have long been used as a means to an end. These products are usually more physical and has a shape, such as gold, property, collectibles, and so on.

The more sophisticated the modern investment, the term used for investment is quite complicated and usually do not have the physical form of investment products such as deposits, shares, savings, bonds and so the only proof of ownership held.

Traditional investments are usually long term because of an increase in value is not fast. For example, the property requires more than 1 year for price increases. The modern investment is usually much shorter duration, provide quick profits. Stocks, for example, can increase the price in a matter of days, hours, minutes and even seconds.

Investment traditionally although not seem too cool, much used as part of an investment portfolio of an investor. Trump has a portfolio of properties as he had. Buffett uses other than gold as part of its investment currency. Although traditionally not mean that these investment products are not eligible ogled.

Investment in agricultural products may be one that can be called traditional investments. With the criteria provide more long-term benefits and has a physical form, this product seems to be called that. Many agricultural products can be used as an investment. I've heard of corn products, mushrooms, ginger, and so on. Today we will try to talk about identity.

Teak Supergrow

Some time ago I got an offer from Quantum Infesta investment cooperation with PT Inti Resindo Utama, one of the agricultural investment company, especially teak trees since 1998.

PT Inti Resindo Utama offer Supergrow teak seedling become us mainstay. As one of the companies concerned in this business we do not just sell but further planting was best for this Supergrow identity throughout Indonesia in accordance with the wishes of the investors.

The selection offered is teak teak that provides superior rapid results, high and low risk. That is, the identity of this species to grow rapidly that harvested faster and stronger than the disease attacks that offer tantalizing results.

If investors do not have sufficient land to plant the seedlings of teak, can choose the second alternative, namely a person who wants to invest sufficient funds to provide Rp250 million. With that much money investors get certified 1 hectare of land and property 1250 containing supergrow teak seedlings. Location of land offered in Sukabumi is known as one of the teak-producing region.

Historical data shows that the price of teak rose at least two-fold or 200% per 5 years. Can imagine how much investment in the development of 20 or 30 years into the future. With Rp250 million to spend this time, with the assumption that without a big risk, increase investment in the next 10 years to Rp2 billion - Rp8 billion, equivalent to about 8,000% -33,000%.

Harvest was done in stages, because this is supergrow teak can be harvested at least 5 years of age, although they suggest more than that. The older age of the teak trees will be more expensive.

This investment provides 3-month warranty period nurseries. After the warranty period of course we have been vigilant, because investments in commodities are particularly vulnerable to the environment as affected by pests, fire and even the worst of looting. Not to mention it must be admitted that this type of investment does not have any fixed rule as other investment products such as deposits, stocks, and mutual funds

Sekubik Rp. 6-juta
Oleh trubusid_admindb
Minggu, Nopember 01, 2009 10:12:02

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Abdul Haris Tamburaka gembira bukan kepalang. Warga Desa Lambakara, Kecamatan Lainea, Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara, itu pada Agustus 2008 memanen 42 pohon jati. Diameter batang pohon berumur 15 tahun itu 30 cm. Tamburaka (39 tahun) memperoleh 16 m3 kayu atau total Rp96-juta. Tingginya harga jual kayu itu karena jati Haris bersertifikat ekolabel.

Penjualan jati itu sangat memadai untuk membiayai Rizki Ristandy, anak Haris, yang kuliah di Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara. Tamburaka sudah 4 kali memanen jati dari lahan 50 ha, masing-masing berkisar 12-16 m3. Panen terakhir pada Oktober 2009, Haris menuai 6 m3 jati. 'Dulu sebelum ada sertifikasi harga kayu jati berdiameter 30 cm cuma Rp400.000 per m3,' kata ayah 3 anak itu. Harga rendah-setara sengon-karena dicurigai sebagai hasil pembalakan liar. Harga kayu jati di Jawa mencapai Rp2-juta per m2.

Yang juga menikmati harga menjulang adalah Ponijo Kasman di Desa Lambakara. Ia 2 kali panen masing-masing 3 m3 dan 8 m3. Hasil serupa dipetik Muhammad Nasir warga Desa Aoreo, Kecamatan Lainea, Sulawesi Tenggara. Mereka bertiga memanfaatkan lahan sekitar hutan dan tergabung dalam Koperasi Hutan Jaya Lestari.


Koperasi Hutan Jaya Lestari (KHJL) memperoleh sertifikasi ekolabel pada 20 Mei 2005. KHJL merupakan koperasi pertama di Indonesia yang memproleh sertifikasi dari SmartWood, organisasi bertaraf internasional anggota Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) yang berbasis di Jerman. FSC mempromosikan pengelolaan hutan secara lestari. Lembaga swadaya masyarakat yang turut mendampingi proses sertifikasi adalah Jaringan untuk Hutan (Jauh) Sulawesi Tenggara dan Tropical Forest Trust (TFT).

Para pekebun menggagas proses sertifikasi pada 2003. Ketika itu 15 orang dari 12 desa berkumpul dan membahas pengelolaan hutan secara lestari. Mereka sepakat membentuk sebuah lembaga berbadan hukum sebagai salah satu syarat memperoleh sertifikasi. Jati Tectona grandis sudah lazim dibudidayakan sebagai tanaman sela atau dikebunkan di halaman belakang rumah.

Proses sertifikasi dimulai dengan pengecekan kelengkapan dokumen seperti sertifikat kepemilikan tanah. 'Jika tak ada sertifikat, minimal girik, atau surat pemberitahuan pajak,' ungkap Warma Syahmedi, ketua koperasi. Tahap berikutnya verifikasi lapangan untuk mengecek batas-batas tanah seperti tercantum dalam dokumen, populasi, dan luas tegakan jati di lahan total 600 ha.

Para pekebun menanam bibit setinggi 40 cm di lubang berukuran 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm. Jarak tanam minimal 2 m x 3 m, sehingga populasi 1.100-1.300 pohon per ha. 'Pemupukan menggunakan bahan organik seperti kompos,' ungkap Warma.

Dalam proses pemeliharaan tanaman jati, pekebun terlarang mengganggu kehidupan satwa liar. Di lokasi kebun itu banyak dijumpai ular dan anoa. Bukan hanya itu, kelestarian sumber mata air pun dijaga. Pohon dalam radius 50 m dari sumber mata air tak boleh ditebang. Tujuannya agar daerah resapan air tetap terjaga.

Saat panen pekerja wajib menggunakan peralatan yang mendukung keselamatan kerja seperti helm, sarung tangan, dan sepatu bot. Pohon yang ditebang minimal berdiameter 30 cm. Penebangan harus menghindari terjadinya kerusakan pohon lain. Setiap menebang 1 pohon jati, pekebun harus menanam 10 bibit agar kesinambungan hutan terjaga. Kuota tebang maksimal 18 kontainer per tahun setara lebih kurang 395 pohon berdiameter minimal 30 cm.


Sertifikat ekolabel pada produk kayu memang tengah naik daun. Ir Hariyono Soeroso MS dari Unit Bagi Hasil Koperasi Perumahan Wanabakti Nusantara bekerja sama dengan sebuah lembaga sertifikasi untuk memperoleh sertifikasi ekolabel. Begitu juga dengan Santi Mia Sipan dari PT Jaty Arthamas yang mengelola perkebunan jati milik investor di Sukabumi, Jawa Barat, dan Blora Jawa Tengah, seluas 200 ha. Kebun yang ia kelola itu milik investor di berbagai daerah. Menurut Santi sertifikasi ekolabel merupakan sebuah langkah positif untuk mendukung kelestarian lingkungan.

Menurut Abdul Khalik, deputi direktur Jaringan untuk Hutan (jauh), pendekatan hutan lestari ampuh menekan pembalakan liar yang sebelumnya marak. Harga kayu jati yang membubung, meningkatkan taraf hidup pekebun. Dr Ir Irdika Mansur MForSc dari Fakultas Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Bogor mengatakan pengelolaan hutan secara lestari merupakan sebuah keharusan di tengah menguatnya kesadaran global akan pentingnya kelestarian lingkungan.

'Pengelolaan hutan secara lestari menjaga ekosistem tetap terjaga,' tutur Irdika. Pasar negara maju meminta produk kayu yang dibudidayakan secara lestari. Untuk mendapatkan harga premium, negara maju mensyaratkan pekebun harus mempunyai sertifikat ekolabel. Negara-negara Eropa menolak produk perusahaan furniture tanpa sertifikasi ekolabel. Pembeli di negara maju bersedia membayar lebih mahal sebagai bentuk dukungan pelestarian hutan di negara berkembang.

Oleh karena itu pekebun jati yang menerapkan budidaya berkesinambungan tak kesulitan memasarkan kayu. Beberapa eksportir furniture di Jawa Tengah rutin meminta pasokan kayu jati. Warma rutin mengirim 18 kontainer terdiri atas 22 m3 kayu jati per tahun. Sejatinya permintaan mencapai 30 kontainer. 'Kami harus tetap memperhatikan kelestarian lingkungan, bukan hanya soal ekonomi,' kata Warma.

Menurut Agus Eka Putra community forest manager Tropical Forest Fund, hingga saat ini komoditas yang memperoleh ekolabel baru jati dan mahoni. Pekebun mahoni yang tergabung dalam Koperasi Taman Wijaya Rasa di Kebumen, Jawa Tengah, memperoleh sertifikat ekolabel pada 2009. Tujuannya agar antara kepentingan lingkungan dan ekonomi berjalan beriringan. (Faiz Yajri)

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